Everything they're saying about the movie is spot-on. It is indeed very Tarantinoesque. Shahid Kapur has indeed worked his butt on! and into shape, totally going the six-pack way and how! (Got me slightly hot under the collar!) The Piggy Chops and Shahid lip-lock is indeed quite the scorcher and it can be labelled the first, real, true kiss of Indian cinema. (Got me slightly hot under the collar!)
Ok, I have to be honest and admit that this is not the kind of movie genre that's on my fave list, but I do enjoy them at least once, on the big-screen with friends, popcorn and cappuchino. The story is pretty much 'A Comedy of Errors' gone all wrong, but the treatment? Well, let's just say it was a flaming tequila shot up the a**! Totally bad-a**!
The first half drags a little bit, just a little, but the second half picks up the pace and runs with it...and how! Oh, and the dialogues between Sweety and Guddu's characters during the love-making scene? As corny as a double cheese pizza with extra mozzarella, parmesan and cheddar. Kinda pheko-ed paani on the hotness of that smooch!
All in all? Definitely worth a dekho! DEFINITELY! Dhan-ta-naa...
On What Is Happening in Bangladesh
6 months ago
Now, I so want to watch this movie!!
i faw and l l l l loved it :) fimply fuberb :)
seriously i think shahid is totally showing his acting genes
it is a clean copy from lock stock and two smoking barrels
You faid it:)
me going today!! yyyaaaaaaayyyy!!
dhan ta naa!! taana naa naa!! :D
and like soin says if its a a good copy of Lock stock and two smoking barrels, me will love it! not the BADLY copied Phir Hera Pheri! :p
Totally loved your review & I completely agree. Def worth a dekho!!
It took a fantaftic movie like this to make me delurk on your blog and comment for the first time. I enjoy reading you btw just never commented before. I see you are a first day -first show movie freak and I so relate, especially the Bollywood part :)
The Dhan Tan Na song was great and I so so wish they didnt lip sync to it or if they had to, then Charlie's portion should have gone "kauri kauri paifa paifa paife ka khel"....Wouldn't that have elevated the sheer impact of that song?
Absolutely awesome!! And more so cause it was a girls day out and every single one of us simply loved it.
:):) loved your review. Only hope I like the movie too :)
@PG: Oh, you've gotta see it!
@Monika: Hahaha! You faid it!
@soin: True, but a good copy, for once in Bollywood's life.
@dipali: :)
@Namesake: Well? Didjya like?
@Mon,Ansh: Right on!
@Anamika: Thank you for delurking! Love hearing from you all :)
And I love your take on 'paife paife ka khel'. A move like that would have been sheer genius!
@Piper: I hope you do enjoy it!
I plan to watch it M4... everybody seems to like it. And Shahid Kapoor has special place in our hears after he answered some questions about his break up with Kareena in na interview... a very timely interview... ;)
(though I am sure the hurt feelings are genuine)
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