January 27th
Happy Birthday to me!!
Should I tell you my age? Ooops! I think I already did in that poem of mine! Ah well, first and last time ever on this blog that I do that.
Here's the thing. I don't really celebrate the 27th of Jan as my birthday anymore. It is officially the anniversary of my 25th birthday. So, on January 27th, 2009 I celebrated the 8th anniversary of my 25th year.
Normally, I get all melancholy and contemplative on my birthday. But here, in these surroundings, amidst Nature at her best, brightest and finest, it was impossible to feel anything other than -- grateful.
Grateful for my boys. Grateful for the MIM's health and the health of my parents. Grateful for my friends. Grateful for all of God's blessings. Grateful for all of Nature's perfection. Grateful for poetry. And strange as it may sound, grateful for discovering the world of blogging -- it has given me so much!
So what did we do? Not much, we travelled back from Havelock to Port Blair. In the evening, we shopped a bit and even though I knew the MIM was getting slightly irritated, I pushed it a little bit by checking out everything before making my final choices. Hey, it was my birthday!! :)
Then, my three boys treated me to a fine dinner at the Fortune Resort Bay Island, the Taj property in Port Blair. It was an open-air restaurant; the breeze was scrumptious, the view breath-taking, the food delicious and the company scintillating! :)
The MIM got the boys to sing me "Happy Birthday" for the fifth time that day and as I beamed and basked in the glory of their love for me, I suddenly noticed my EO looking a bit perplexed. After the singing was done, he asked me, "But where's the cake?" We explained that there wasn't going to be any. Then he got really, REALLY worried and asked me, "But how will you know what old you are?"
I had such a hearty laugh...the perfect way to bring down the curtains on my birthday, ooops, 25th-year anniversary, don't you think?
On What Is Happening in Bangladesh
5 months ago
oh wow. my father was posted in port blair for a couple of years. I don't remember much, I was about 2-3. I do remember the strolls on the beach though.
Oh such a sweet day, and a wonderful way to celebrate the anniversary of your 25th birthday. Which one did you say it was? The 1st or the 2nd???
Aww.........sounds like an absolutely perfect birthday!! :)
Loving your Andaman series. And what a lovely way to celebrate your b'day! :)
i love your andaman series (was just too lazy to comment earlier)
am so glad to know you had a beautiful birthday. you deserve it M4 :)
What a lovely b'day! I hope you shopped enough. Andaman is SO on my places-to-g0-asap list. Hey travel god, listening?
You guys are so cute! :)
Happy B'day again princess :)
Happy Birthday!!Belated though but then each day is a celebration :)))
EO is so darn cute:D
ha... dont you celebrate anniversaries of 25th birthdays every 25 years?
muahahaha..... :)
Birthdays are just such a lovely time for catching up on all the wonderful things we are grateful for!! Loved this post , like all others by you, I just love the way you describe the joy you find in little things...
What a fabulous birthday, even if you have no way to know how old you are now :)
:) belated happy bday! What a perfect way to celebrate! You back yet? How`ve you been, my friend? Just dropped in to say hello and that I`m back.
That is so sweet- please don't upset poor EO by having cakeless birthdays!
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